
Ref NoBFSS/1/5/1/8/12/82
Alt Ref NoBFSS/FC/Bahamas/82
TitleLetter to Bourne from John Peerless
DescriptionLetter to Bourne from John Peerless, Inagua. Shortly to leave Inagua. Board to close the school as not cost effective re no. of pupils following new by-laws. Population of Mathew Town and surrounding area greatly decreased in last few years, impossible to get pupil numbers up to required number. Economic depression, demand for salt in American and Canadian colonies greatly declined, people out of work and in want of food and clothes. Mr Webb visited him and offered him other schools or to pay his passage home to England. He has decided to return to England as the island is "hopelessly in debt" and officials being dismissed. They will leave next May, request position in England.
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